Welcome to the Sanderson Field R/C Flyers web site.

Newsletters since 2003 - Click on the month to download the newsletter


January - Christmas party - FRIA info - First flight - Officers - Calendar - Events
February - More FRIA info - Scale Judging/flying seminar - Officers - Calendar - Events
March - Remote ID update - Officers - Calendar - Events
June - Meeting - Remote ID reauthorizarion - Stacy's 90th - Officers - Calendar - Events
July - Mintues - Humor - Officers - Tom Strom memorial fly-in - Calendar - Events


Jan - Christmas party - LiPo basics - Officers - Calendar - Events
Feb - Minutes - First flights of the year - Officers - Calendar - Events
July - Minutes - upcoming events - Officers - Calendar - Events
August - Remote ID - Jamboree - Dawn Patrol - Calendar - Events
September - Minutes - Scale event - Remote ID/Officers - Warbird event - Calendar - Events
October - Worker assignments - Warbird event - Remote ID - Calendar - Events
November - Minutes - Warbird event - Remote ID - Calendar - Events
December - Minutes - FRIA news - Christmas Party - Officers - Calendar - Events


Jan - News - Passing members - Officers - Calendar - Events
Feb - RC flying jobs - Officers - Calendar - Events
Mar - Minutes - AMA Jamboree - Officers - Calendar - Events
April - Minutes - Hunters flood - Officers - UW design team - Calendar - Events
May - Minutes - New Facebook page - Hunters - Officers - Calendar - Events
June - Minutes - AMA Jamboree - Officers - Calendar - Events
July - Minutes - AMA Jamboree - WBC - Calendar - Events
August - Minutes - Hunters blackberries - UW design team - officers - calendar - Events
September - Minutes - Oysterfest - Dawn Patrol - Scale Championship - officers - calendar - Events
October - Minutes - Oysterfest - News - Officers - Calendar - Events
November - Minutes - FRIA status - For sale - Officers - Calendar - Events
December - Minutes - Christmas party - My winter build - officers - Calendar - Events

Jan - remote ID Q and A - 2021 officers - Calendar - events
Feb - Minutes - projects - officers - Calendar - events
March - Minutes - projects - Officers - Calendar - events
May - Minutes - event flyers - Officers - Calendar - events
July - Minutes - TRUST - Officers - Calendar - events
Aug - Minutes - TRUST - Event flyers - Officers - Calendar - events
Sept - Chuck Kentfield passed away - Kentfield sale - Officers - Calendar - events
Oct - Minutes - Burt Daggett passed away - Kentfield garage sale - Officers - Calendar - events
Nov - Minutes - Christmas Party - Airplane repair - officers - Calendar - Events


Jan - Remote Drone Id - A WBC project - Officers - events
Feb - Minutes - First fly of the year - remote ID - Precision machining - Officers - events
March - Minutes - WBC - Hunters - officers - Calendar - events
April - Minutes - Turning with proficiency - officers - calendar - events
May - News - rescheduling events - Status of remote ID - Winter project - officers - calendar - events
June - Flying in the wind - Hunter farms - officers - Calendar - events
July - Meeting this month - new events - For Sale - Officers - events
Aug - No Meeting - Maiden that plane - Planes for sale - Officers - Calendar - events
Sept - Meeting at the field - War bird fly-in - Officers - Calendar - events - Fly-in and swap meet flyers.
Oct - Minutes - Officer nominations - Swap meet - Prop balancing - Officers - Events
Nov - Minutes - Voting - Decimal equivalents - Balance taps - Officers - Calendar - Events
Dec - No minutes - Info - FAA Knowlage test - Officers - Calendar - Events


Jan - No minutes - Election results - A WBC project - Drone Re-registration - Calendar - Scheduled events
Feb - Minutes - Hinging control surfaces - D7 dummy engine - Officers -
Calendar - Scheduled events
Mar - Minutes - Winter build project- counter rotating props project - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events.
April - Minutes - Counter rotating prop project - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events
May - Minutes - Winter build projects - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events
June - Minutes - WBC/Jets - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events
July - Minutes - WLC - Air Show - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events
Aug - Minutes - RC definitions - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events
Sept - Minutes - last months events - How to choose a battery charger - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events
Oct - Officer nominations - Minutes - Winter build project - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events
Nov - Minutes - Swap meet - WBC project - Christmas party - Oysterfest - Calendar - Scheduled events
Dec - Minutes - Drone pilots - Christmas party - 7th Annual Swap meet - Officers - Calendar - Scheduled events

Jan -
New President - Minutes - Christmas party - First flight of the year - WBC - builders corner - flyers - Officers - relay for life
Feb - Minutes - raffle - Field trips - Monroe Swap meet - Builders corner - Officers - Relay for life
Mar - Minutes - eCalc - Field trips - indoor flying - Builders corner - Officers - Relay for life - Meeting raffle
April - Minutes - upcoming events - Telemaster X - Builders corner - upcoming events - Officers - Meeting raffle
May -
June - Minutes - Winter build Challenge - Officers


Jan - Christmas party - First flight of the year - puzzle pieces - NW model hobby expo - McMinnville swap meet - winter build challenge - calendar

Feb - Minutes - A word from your president - Builders corner - Field trip to Fablabs - Event Flyers - Calendar
Mar - Minutes - Builders Corner - Event Flyers - Calendar
April - Minutes - indoor flying - A word from the Pres - New DX series programing tips - Club raffle - Flyers - Calendar pdf
May - Minutes - Forest Festival - A word from the Pres - Runway repair - Fun Fly - Scholarship - Star Party - Calendar - Coloring book - Flyers
June - Minutes - A word from your president - Scale Qualifier - Forest Festival - Star Party - Air Show - club raffle - Calendar - flyers
July - Minutes - Presidents corner - Winter build challenge - Club fly-in - Scholarship recipient - Star Party - Gremlins - Officers
Aug - Minutes - Presidents corner - Dawn Patrol - Monthly club fly-in - Float club website - Pilot's spotlight - Star Party - Officers
Sept - Minutes - Winter build challenge update - Oysterfest - Swap Meet - Dawn Patrol - Officers
Oct. - Minutes - Officer Nominations - Swap meet - Dawn Patrol - Winter build challenge - Officers
Nov - Minutes - Oysterfest - Christmas party - Dawn Patrol - Election ballot - Swap Meet - Winter build challenge - Officers
Dec - Minutes - Star Party - Christmas Party - Winter build challenge - Dawn Patrol - Builders corner - Officers


Jan -  Drone registration - News - Calendar - Events
Feb - Minutes - DX9 review - FAA drone registration FAQ - Letter from the AMA - Calendar - Events
Mar - Minutes - News on FAA/AMA - TopFlite P-47 Kit - AMA Q&A - Calendar
April - Minutes - Scale Qualifier - P-47 Build - AMA news - B-25 build - Calendar
May - Minutes - Scale Qualifier - P-47 Build - AMA news - Spring fly-in - Calendar
June - Minutes - Scale Qualifier - Scholarship - club fly-in - Calendar
July - Minutes - Drone Zone - Nahwatzel/TCMAA float fly - Olympic Muesum air show - Calendar
August - Minutes - Dawn Patrol - Club fly-in - FAA re-Authorization - Flight fair - Calendar
Sept - Minutes - FAA 400' rule - Aces High FW-190 - Calendar
October - Minutes - Scale Championship - Scale fly-in - Calendar
November - Minutes - Swap meet - Winter build Challenge - Easy Sport - Calendar
December - Minutes - Swap meet - Maui flying field - Winter build Challenge - Christmas party - Calendar


Jan - Setting up your servo's - Six Keys - Calendar
Feb - Minutes - making an instrument panel - Calendar
Mar - Minutes - Trip to AZ - Calendar
Apr - Minutes - Tom Strom Sr. - Military activity at the Port - Calendar
May - Minutes - Other info - Calendar
June - Minutes - Scale Qualifier - General info - Calendar
July  - Minutes - Float fly - Olympia air show - News - Calendar
August - Minutes - Dawn Patrol - Calendar
Sept - Minutes - A word from the President - Scale Championship in Wenatchee - Calendar
Oct - Minutes - Southsound Swap meet - A Busy Flying Season - Habitat Takes Flight - Calendar
Nov - Minutes - Southsound Swap meet - Oysterfest - President's corner - Calendar
Dec - Minutes - news - Calendar

Jan - News - Christmas party - Hobby town specials - January raffle - Calendar

Feb - Minutes - Setting up your servo's - Eliminate bounce - Tips and tricks - Calendar
Mar - Minutes - Pylon race in Phoenix - Race Pictures - Calendar
May - Minutes - Stu Richmond  - Tips and tricks - Calendar
June - Minutes - Keys to sucess - my project - Calendar
July - Minutes - Float fly Pics - my project- Oly air show - Calendar
August - Minutes - Fun Scale pics - float fly pic - Skyfair pics - Calendar
September - Minutes - Laker paint job - Calendar
October - Minutes - Champ race & pics - Calendar
November - Minutes - Christmas party raffle - Calendar

December - Minutes -swap meet pics - Christmas party raffle - Calendar


Jan - Minutes - New contract - calendar
Feb - Minutes - Planes going to Monroe - Indoor Flying - Club Build - HobbyTown Specials - Calendar
Mar - Minutes - AMA on FPV - for sale - club mower - HobbyTown specials - Calendar
April - Minutes - Tips - servo linkage geometry  - Calendar
May - Minutes - Tips - Hunter farms - Calendar
June - Minutes - Concentration and Focus - Forest festival parade - Calendar
July - Minutes - Fun Scale flyer - Tips and tricks - Calendar
Aug - Minutes - Fun Scale article and pics - Nahwatzel hosts TCMAA float fly pics - Calendar
Sept - Minutes - Pylon race - sales - Calendar
Oct - Minutes - event flyers - Tip and tricks - calendar
Nov - Minutes - event flyers - humor - calendar
- Minutes - About possible NMPRA national championship pylon race - HobbyTown Specials - SwapMeet debrief - Calendar


Jan  Mary's veggie dish receipe - For Sale 3 ARFs - moral of the story - PUD moving
Feb Minutes - For Sale - Put Skis on you plane - Tips Hinge installation
Mar Minutes - New sign - Apprentice makeover - FAA exempts Aeromodeling
April Minutes - Telemaster to TeleDuck - FAA rules - Tips
May Odds and Ends - Anylink review
June Minutes - Mark Pentony's Cub - National security
July Minutes - Forest Festival Parade - News - Landings - Calendar - For Sale
Aug Minutes - Hunter farms progress report - tips and tricks - calendar
Sept Minutes - Bending Balsa - Tips - Calendar
Oct September fun fly - Getting Started in RC Aviation - Hobby Town Deal of the month - Calendar
Nov No Newsletter
Dec Minutes - Tips - Why did I start this hobby - Hobbytown SFRCF members sale - Calendar


Jan   Annual first fly - The new lease
Feb  Minutes - Kit's/engines for sale - More on soldering - Setting Headings - Swap meet flyer
March Minutes - Kit's/engines for sale - Internet friend or foe - Bill denies FAA - Swap meet flyer
April  Minutes - Kit's/engines for sale - Improve your flying skills at home - Tips - Swap meet flyer
May  Minutes - Swap meet - Quilt Raffle - New field photos
June  Minutes - float construction - pylon race flyer - quilt raffle
July  Minutes - Parade float - pylon race flyer - quilt raffle
Aug  Minutes - A fun fly with spice - quilt raffle - North vs South shoot out flyer
Sept  Minutes - Top flite gold edition P-39 review - disposal of LiPo batteries - Props championship
Oct  Minutes - Helpful tips - quilt raffle
Nov  Minutes - Men's Rules - quilt raffle winner
Dec Minutes - Christmas party - Oldie but goodie


Jan    Election results other info - Christmas dinner photos - Rules of the universe
Feb   Meeting minutes - planes for windy weather - Rules of the universe 2
Mar  Meeting minutes - On the Safe side - tips
April Meeting minutes - Programing the speed controller - Securing an exhaust deflector - Helpful hints
May  Meeting minutes - After the Crash
June  Meeting minutes - Electric Pylon racing - swap meet and fly-in pics
July  Meeting minutes - Parade float - Public day - For Sale
Aug  Meeting minutes - Scale fly-in - Fun Fly - Spektrum warning - Spektrum fuse
Sept  Meeting minutes - Hanger 9 RV-8 review - Toolbox deal - tips
Oct  Meeting minutes - !!engine sale!! - DX8 review - Sept fly-in pics - Nahwatzel float fly Pics
Nov  Meeting minutes - !!engine sale!! - Misplaced CG - Servo arms
Dec  Meeting minutes - !!engine sale!! - Internet friend or foe - Featured airplane


Jan      Meeting Minutes - Cubic wing loading - A new members Retrospective
Feb      Meeting Minutes - Learning to fly at SFRCF - Tips, groove tool, tissue trimmer
Mar      Meeting Minutes - A-123 Cells
April    Meeting Minutes - Using Exponential rates - Tips, wires, lite ply replacement, balsa dents - portable power pack
May     Meeting Minutes - About batteries - On the safe side (in the blink of an eye)
June    Meeting Minutes, lock issues Hunter farm, Park flyer membership - A-123 batteries (Al Watson)
July     Meeting Minutes - Tech note from AMA (2.4GHz & 6 volts) - Top Gun flies the reaction 54 jet
Aug     Meeting Minutes - Servo Setup issues
Sept    Meeting Minutes, fishermans lock - A letter from the President - Pylon Races
Oct     Meeting Minutes - Helicopter issue - Pylon racing at Sanderson Field
Nov    Meeting Minutes - 2009 with the SFRCF - 101 ways to stop a spinning Prop
Dec    Meeting Minutes - The lighter side of safety - Using kitchen appliances - Float flying


Jan     Meeting Minutes - Radio Facts
Feb    Meeting Minutes - Pull Pull and the Ackerman effect
Mar    Meeting Minutes - Breaking the sound barrier without a plane - Tips, Cleaner, New life to old wire landing gear, mixing epoxy, For new pilots
April   Meeting Minutes, scheduling mixup - Charlie Brown's story (b-17) - Fuel tank hints
May    Meeting Minutes - New Hobby shop in Lacey - SFRCF scholarship program
June    Meeting Minutes - Hunter Farms possible secondary site
July    Meeting Minutes - Tips, tipping CA bottles, needle valve extention, paper wing tubes, crankcase vent - Top 10 rules of crashes
Aug    Meeting Minutes, Hugo VanPassen estate donated to club - Scale fly-in pics
Sept   Meeting Minutes, flying at Olympic air again - RC flying and exercise? - RC definitions
Oct    Meeting Minutes - Port's Autumn festival display - Tips, How's your NiCads, Wing tail alignment
Nov   Meeting Minutes, another lock issue - Flying over Hunter farm - Something to think about - Tips, Allen wrenches, rolling building board,       non-slip hobby knife, splicing, broken wing bolts, soldering, glowplugs and 4C, Spice rack, fabric cutters
Dec   Meeting Minutes, New lease (increase), new president - Storing your RC engine - Winter airplane storage


Jan     Meeting Minutes - Spektrum DX7 - Scale F6F tail wheel retract continued
Feb    Meeting Minutes, large increase in field lease - Scale F6F tail wheel retract continued
Mar    Meeting Minutes, lease - Scale F6F tail wheel retract continued
April   Meeting Minutes, lock issue - Scale F6F tail wheel retract continued - On the safe side
May   Meeting Minutes - NW according to Foxworthy - Appreciating modern RC scale - Are you infected
June   Meeting Minutes - Visit to the AZ Cropdusters field, Phoenix AZ - Painting with Monokote
July    Meeting Minutes - Security advisor reminder - Li-Poly basics
Aug   Meeting Minutes, drag race display - FAA official warns port about drags - Tip, using petroleum jelly
Sept  Meeting Minutes, world speed record set at pylon race - A history of pylon racers of Puget Sound
Oct   Meeting Minutes, no more paper newsletter, dues increase - RC airplane definitions - Tips, recycling masking tape, protecting hinges, stir sticks, The waterfall
Nov   Meeting Minutes, the witch at hunter farms - On the safe side (safe pilot?) - Prop problem - Finishing tip coloring spackle - Antennas - Tips, igniter cleaner, canopy polish, small parts storage
Dec   Meeting Minutes - Glow plug problems - Tips, Realflight G2, Cleaning bolts, Re-installing the fuel tank with motor installed


Jan     Meeting Minutes - Color theory for models
Feb    Meeting Minutes - ParkZone electric models - 3 deadly sins of RC Flying - Tuskegee airman visit - Color theory part 2
Mar    Meeting Minutes - Keeping your flying site safe - Flying with a plan - Optimizing control surfaces
April  Meeting Minutes, someone flying at Olympic air, Vern Gillum's stuff donated - Windy weather flying - Composite materials: Kevlar - Field locater service
May    Meeting Minutes, fence across runway - RC check list
June   Meeting Minutes - Tips, keep your pilot in you plane, adding weight, building board, Using nylon bolts, get a better bond - Ins and outs of eBay
July    Meeting Minutes - AMA speaks on behalf of members - On the safe side - C-5 crash
Aug   Meeting Minutes - Mechanics: control linkage and hinges
Sept   Meeting Minutes - Tips for clubs
Oct    Meeting Minutes - Working with carbon fiber or fiberglass - Creating insignia and markings - Al's laws
Nov   Meeting Minutes - The magic can - Military speak - Scale F6F tail wheel retract
Dec   Meeting Minutes - Scale F6F tail wheel retract continued - Tips, cleanup


Jan    Meeting Minutes - How to get ch 6 on your hitec 555 receiver - About glow plugs - measuring control surface throw
Feb   Meeting Minutes - building your own scale tail wheel
Mar   Meeting Minutes, proposal on jets given to port - Learning to torque Roll - Flying in the cold - Washout - Mounting windshields
April  Getting to know your electric starter - Washout part 2
May   Meeting Minutes - Radio interference primer for R/C Flyers
June   Notes from an e-flier - Radio interference primer for R/C Flyers
July   No newsletter
Aug   Meeting Minutes - Mars spectacular - Pictures of forest festival float
Sept   Meeting Minutes, club jackets - Minutes or MAH - Storing you RC engine
Oct   Meeting Minutes, WWII vets honored - Storing you RC engine continued - Notes from an e-flier
Nov   Meeting Minutes - Pilot complaints - When your airplane tries to tell you - Airspeed, altitude and brains - Tips, fiberglass hint, polish that gear, fuel container use, Hobbico tach batteries, shock mounting screws
Dec   Meeting Minutes, christmas party at Lee's buffet - Which is better: PPM vs PCM


Jan    Meeting Minutes, The last word: Something to think about - Tips for beginners
Feb   Meeting Minutes - Hints for 2-stroke glow engines - Soldering pushrods
Mar   Meeting Minutes, Workshop assistance
April  Meeting Minutes - Make your own brushless motor from a CD rom
May   Meeting Minutes - Hints and tips for beginners - Decimal equivalents - Lithium battery alert
June   Meeting Minutes - Setting a slow reliable idle - Tips, Pulling oil out of wood, sharpening brass tubing, Masking tape, repairing dings, Landing gear, clogged aerosol cans, gaskets
July   No newsletter
Aug  Meeting Minutes, Jet crash in the woods - The story of WD-40 - Engines, mount direction affects ease of starting - Tips, free building materials, cut-off wheel sets, holes for wing dowels
Sept  Meeting Minutes, jet issue - A sure guide to determining a modelers skill level - Hovering
Oct   Meeting Minutes - New meeting place PUD - Setting up a new fuel tank - Hovering part 2 - unexpected use of Torx bits
Nov   Meeting Minutes, Jet issue - Tantrum review - fixing flutter
Dec   Meeting Minutes - Basic soldering


Jan    Meeting Minutes, new secretary - Words of wisdom
Feb   Meeting Minutes - Hows your NiCads - Installing GreatPlanes Faslink, Review of VoltWatch
Mar   Meeting Minutes, Aux runway use - Pressure test you fuel tank.
April  Meeting Minutes - Pressure test your tank part 2, Keeping your batteries charged - build your own In line trickle charger
May   Meeting Minutes, jet and heli rule changes - Laser cutting model airplanes - A visit to a Phoenix Az RC club
June   Meeting Minutes - Using CA hinges
July   Meeting Minutes - Tuning the carb on glow engines - Tips, Emergency patching, Glueing on canopies,Trimming Monokote
Aug   Meeting Minutes - Teaching RC flying - Tips to test your TX/RX after repairs
Sept  Meeting Minutes - Evergreen Aviation Museum visit - RC Model crosses Atlantic - Balsa facts - Broadband over powerlines - Tips, Cutting holes in your covering job, Marking dark Monokote
Oct   Meeting Minutes - Balsa facts part 2 - Tips, Washout, Nylon bolts, Workshop hints
Nov   Meeting Minutes - Balsa facts part 3 - Tips, Cleaning oils soaked wood, Cleaning planes, film covering degreaser, What do you need in your flight box
Dec   Meeting Minutes - Dead stick landings - Securing batteries - Tips, Monokote bleeding, Iron stand, Canopies, epoxy cups