The objectives of this Club shall be to promote all phases of radio controlled model aircraft building and to aid the national programs of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, the "AMA".
Monthly meeting are held at the Calvary fellowship church, 50 E Island lake rd. in Shelton and at the field during the Summer months, if the weather is questionable it will be held at Calvary fellowship church (see Directions for maps) Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month and begin at 6:00 pm.
The Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month.
New member dues are $100, renewing members dues are $75 if paid BEFORE January 1st. Renewing members will pay $100 if paid Jan 1st or later. NEW members joining in the last quarter of the year have their membership fee applied to the next year providing they show AMA membership for the new year.
Prospective new members can download a membership application and club safety procedures in PDF format. Bring the membership application to a meeting and join the fun.
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Club Membership Application
Club Safety Procedures
Club By-Laws
Requirements to Join Sanderson Field R/C Flyers:
You must have a sponsor (Current member of the Club). If you don't have one, come to a meeting, we'll get you one!
You must be a Current AMA member. See this document [ Getting started with the AMA ]
You must take the TRUST test. Click on the AMA logo on the left side of this page and you will find a link to the test.
You must be registered with the FAA
You must attend a club meeting to get an orientation and new member packet.
To renew your membership:
Send your payment (Checks made out to SFRCF) along with a copy of your current AMA card and a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to the treasurer.
SFRCF Treasurer
1726 Stewart St.
Shelton, WA 98584
The Treasurer will send you the required club card which you must carry when you are flying.