Hunter Farms Flying site
Scroll down for written directions and farther down for pictures

1. Head South on I-5
2. Take Exit 104, this merges onto US 101
3. Take Exit to Shelton, Belfair (State Route 3) its the next exit after Mudd Bay Rd.
4. Continue on 101 past Shelton, about 8 miles
5. Turn Right onto E Purdy Canyon Rd for 3 miles until stop sign.
6. Across from stop sign is Hunter Farms, turn Right on 106 and go approximately 1/4 mile. If you go by the big white Hunter farms sign you went too far.
7. There are two separate entrances to the new site. The first is hard to see, the second is right at the Hunter Farms sign.

The field was looking pretty good at the end of summer 2021, with all the rain we've had it's been under water for much of the winter. We have hopes it won't take too much to get it back in shape once things dry out.